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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does time really heal all?

  Today things just came crashing down like a ton of Bricks in therapy. I also ended my speech pathology treatment with a return to work next Wednesday.
I am worried about the changes and that I will be not able to use the peer center as much to be able to vent or just talk about the issues that are occurring in my head. Yesterday, I had another confrontation with the psychologist I am seeing he still says that Mayo is not a good Idea. To Admiral Akbar I would like to introduce him to my cat the Domestic Terrorist Phil.
      I am able to call my relatives and friends now it is something you take for granted. Today for the first time a year I talked to my Grandma and Aunt Nadine. That has made me happy but also regretful as I never see or hear from grandma anymore.  It seems time goes so fast and really can get caught up in your own universe. I am diagnosed with Major depression, Post traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety those take life away as I was not on meds and therapy prior to now. Living Life with no emotions or purpose is what I have been doing for years.
      I have started to learn what the word recovery means and how that can be achieved? I have read 12 books now on mental illness and recovery I will continue to work on that thru groups and therapy and reading as it will not just happen overnight. My therapist says I am doing well and a lot stronger but I have a long way to go. I have suppressed so much and I feel pain and anger for a lot of things that have happened in the present and the pass. One part of recovery that I have control on is the meds I am on it took two months and at this time I feel like I can stand the drugs I am on. I hate some of the side effects a lot and every morning is a question of should I take these and I do it. For the first time in last 3 months I was able to cry before I have been on too many drugs and that had me numb to everything. I am going to apply for a Peer Specialist position so that way I can use this towards helping others. I used to be able to help so many people with my Jobs of the past. It has been a missing part of my life.
      I know that I am getting better in the long run but it is never going to be easy. The last two weeks I have been severely depressed as I had been reducing meds as I do not feel my psychiatrist is working for me. I have argued with him now for the last 5 weeks and really I am in the process of switching as I need someone who is going to listen and not just let things drag out. I know that I have to be on the drugs and I am willing to commit to taking them if they are working but I am not going to let someone dictate the drugs and just say they are what you need to take. I do not deal well with side effects like increased shaking and blurred vision and that is what I had been arguing with him about for weeks. I will have ups and downs as the PTSD comes to me in dreams or random moments and they are like rogue waves that bring me back to a painful thought. I am finding difficulties coping with things that really hurt. The last two weeks I have been distracted or just out of it. I no longer can go to the peer center daily as the hours are not compatible with work. I have returned to work which will help with financial stress. I will have to keep stress down as I feel I can relapse back into no voice. This was written three weeks ago.
    The mayo conclusion of visits has left me in a state of no final answer. What I mean is that the tremor in my voice has no cure and that drugs for tremors are not really successful for voice. I saw the neurology department which confirmed I have essential tremor. That causes my body to shake but they do not think it is the same thing in my throat. I saw the psychology department at mayo and they confirmed that my current doctor is an idiot. Last doctor I saw in mayo was Dr Duffy who is the speech Pathologist he stated I need to keep working on inflection and that the tremor will not go away. I feel better that I can talk and I will be looking into singing lessons in the future.
I still have to go to therapy for a lot of things and to learn coping skills for stress. I also will continue to take the drugs as I want to live life. I made the return to work July 6th it went ok. I was missed as my work was annoying my coworkers.  I find that I have not missed a beat on work and just trying to keep stress levels down at this time. I need to work to pay bills and make sure that I can keep my independence. I know that my family wants me to move closer to home. It is a nice thought and I would like some of it but I have no idea what I want to do? If I move I lose all financial progress that I finally had made. Currently I am sitting in equity and living above water.  The stress of being in the hole financially is hard on me. I took a loan off my 401k to consolidate the latest round of medical debts and to get my roof fixed. I am not overjoyed but I would rather have the monkey off my back as it looks like I am done with most of the doctors for now.

      My boss keeps asking now that I can talk if I want to apply for a different job. Today was the second time since I have been back that she has asked. I do not think I willing to change at this time and that is what I told her and that I will not commit to a phone position. I know that I am not getting paid the same rate as phone agents are now but my voice is worth more than a few more dollars an hour. I also don’t want to add more stress on my life right now. I think she knows I am capable of doing a different more demanding job and that is why she keeps bringing it up. I will think about this for a while but really not going to make any moves till maybe next year.  This Blog took a while to get out as I have been watching a lot of BSG with Jim. I also have been trying to keep busy with some things away from home.  
Time flies now that I am back to work so will have to get into routine of writing the blog again. Till next time

1 comment:

  1. It can get frustrating at times, but never give up. It may be hard trying to find the right answers, but just keep doing the things that you know are right, like taking care of practical matters -- paying your bills, doing your work, or fixing the roof. It's not something that might make you happy, but in the long run it'll give you a better peace of mind. As long as you don't neglect important stuff like your bills or your roof, it's okay. Making sure your roof doesn't leak is one of the ways you can ensure your mental comfort isn't disturbed.

    Division Seven Roofing
