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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Did somebody say the Zed word?

 One day a simple farmer is out in his field when along came a strange man came lurking.  I called out and said “Hello” and all he did is kept moving toward me and a moaning sound. I became concerned as he came closer and I say he was a Doctor and there was blood all over him. So I Yelled what is going on? He kept coming at me and then he just lunged at me and bit me. I ran back to my home but did not feel well. I became dizzy and then fell in a chair.  That is the end as I diminished as a human the urge came..  BRAINS!!!!!  Farmer Bob was born the epidemic had spread and there was a mob of Zombies on the road. All of us felt the need the need to feed so we headed for Iowa City. At first we were just given a glance but as we attacked horror took over the streets of Iowa City. Lead by some Joker we attacked the Mall and Ped Mall with a gruesome fierceness on the menu drunken Hawkeye fans. The people of Iowa city devised a plan to get rid of us and as we are simple creatures we fell for the trap. We chased victims into the basement of the Yaht Club and that is where we met our doom as the doors closed and a Improv troup stood there and bored us to our deaths. Not A noble way to die but an end at last to what was my last day on the earth.  As I lay on the floor diminishing I let out one last moan ooooooohooooooooo………

Seriously I had amazing fun doing the zombie march with friends. Joe is really amazing at doing the makeup and is one hell of a zombie.

It is nice to be able to go and do things that I find fun in the past I would pass as would not be comfortable to be in public like that. I was given lots of compliments on my costume.  I also had my cousin with me which it was a special day for me as we have been thru a lot lately. Rhiannon Won the costume contest which was awesome she was a disco Zombie and damn she had it down.  I will do it again as it is something that was fun and for charity. 

Just a small update since I have not blogged in so Long about me. Currently I have Tonsillitis which sucks been fighting over a week and lost my voice due to the swelling. SO I am now on steroids and antibiotics to fight that hopefully by middle of next week I will feel better.  I have been going to work and then been watching a lot of dvr shows and movies it has been nice to get caught up on some of that.  Mentally it has been rough as I continue my search for answers about my Half Brother and I had somewhat of a panic attack that set me back for a couple of weeks. I trying not to spend too much time searching as it opens a festering wound of unanswered questions. My nature always thinks the worse things first and it takes a severe toll on me.

I have been putting myself out there on the dating scene online but nothing has developed as I listen to my therapist advice. It is really like being out of your element I have not dated anyone in so long and the online dating is a whole different animal. I will keep trying as I do see the benefit of having someone to be around and talk to. This year is flying to the end of it and I am part glad as it has been a rough year. I now need to focus on how to make more funds so I can get to New Zealand and also buy a car that I want. A new Jetta TDi it is a goal of mine.  Enjoy the photos and thanks for reading later 


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